Just when I thought my blog page is long gone, it's still here. My first thought however was, 'Do people still blog these days? Maybe they prefer Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr or other online social networking site.' I'm not a big fan of those myself. I don't find it amusing to read people's thoughts that change every 5 minutes or if they are in a relationship and then single again the next day. I really don't care people. But it can be good if really know what to look for. As always, there's good and bad for everything.
Anyways, the 'drought' blog posts may be due to a couple of reasons. I was busy (really?), I don't know what to write about, I'm too lazy to write, etc. But I guess the main reason was I kinda lost my love towards writing. Which is totally not ideal.
See, I'm the kind of person who thinks and feels a lot. A LOT. Especially when I'm alone. Most of the things that I think about or feel or, not good. Was becoming a bit of a sour puss, this girl. Not trying to say that I'm depressed or anything, but I do feel like so. Is that part of growing up or was it just hormones? What ever it is, I need to give a slap to myself and not be that kind of person anymore. I"m worrying people that I love and I'm scared of them running away from me because I'm acting like an idiot.
I guess I'm still in healing process, hence the bitterness. But not everything is about you, you know?
When you feel like you are down, reflect on what the happiness that surrounds you and be thankful. There are other people in this world that would give up anything to be in your shoes right now. So, cheer up. It's not the end of the world. Mope around a little but then get back up and put a smile on your face again.
Talk about your feelings. Tell someone about it. Someone that you feel comfortable with and trust. But don't just talk. Listen to what the person have to say. It might not be the best advice in the world but just listen. It will make you feel that you're not alone and there's also someone who will be there for you no matter what. Family, friends, loved one. Heck, even your pets can be your listener. Whoever it is, hear what the person has to say. You must be able to receive feedbacks/critics/advice with open heart. And try to make a change for yourself.
This is not the last one, but should be the first one. Pray to God. He knows everything, without needing you to lay out the story one by one. But don't just ask for happiness/serenity etc, but try to look for it. Wordings of Quran is more than just what it is translated. Try to understand it and ponder it from a different point of view. Take a lesson from it to improve yourself. Remember, Allah is always with you. If you think you are going through a hardship/life crisis, it means that He loves you and He wants to test your faith. Never give up on yourself or anything for that matter. And most importantly, don't ever give up on Him. Nauzubillah. count your blessings and be wise. Don't dread on what you don't have today but be grateful for what you already have. Everything happens for a reason. Always does.
So, I hope this post helps you as it helps me. It's kinda like giving myself a pep talk. Very therapeutic indeed. Till then, bye.
and that's that
simple things in life make you happy
ever tried reading a girl's diary? this is not one
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, August 20, 2010
Salam Ramadhan
It’s been a week of Ramadhan now. So far, so good here, alhamdulillah. A pretty productive month for me. Not have to think about lunch during class and all, it’s convenient. =)
Macam-macam mana pun, puasa kat Malaysia mesti lah lagi awesome. Rindu sangat nak pergi bazaar ramadhan. =( Tapi kat sini pun ada jugak, on weekends. Not bad at all ey?
Last two days, Sharifah Jenna Rida was born. Congratulations to my brother and his wife. Congratulations to us all. A new addition to the small yet very loving family. Really can’t wait to back for summer and meet her. The day that I got the news, I was very happy indeed. Very happy. I’m not sure why but I guess my heart knew why. I’m grateful for His blessings to our family. Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, betul? Insyaallah.
Raya tahun ni macam mana? Raya kat sini dengan kawan-kawan. I must say, I’m pretty excited. Don’t know why but I don’t feel that much of a difference. Just as long as I’m not alone during Eid. It’s going to be simple yet joyous. We’ll make use of whatever we have and make a full use of it to make ourselves feel ‘at home’ because home is where the family is.
So people, make full use of this full of barakah month and I hope that everybody is in good health and surrounded by their loved ones. Take care and God bless.
and that's that

Sharifah Jenna Rida Syed Mohsin Al-Mohdzar
Macam-macam mana pun, puasa kat Malaysia mesti lah lagi awesome. Rindu sangat nak pergi bazaar ramadhan. =( Tapi kat sini pun ada jugak, on weekends. Not bad at all ey?
Last two days, Sharifah Jenna Rida was born. Congratulations to my brother and his wife. Congratulations to us all. A new addition to the small yet very loving family. Really can’t wait to back for summer and meet her. The day that I got the news, I was very happy indeed. Very happy. I’m not sure why but I guess my heart knew why. I’m grateful for His blessings to our family. Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, betul? Insyaallah.
Raya tahun ni macam mana? Raya kat sini dengan kawan-kawan. I must say, I’m pretty excited. Don’t know why but I don’t feel that much of a difference. Just as long as I’m not alone during Eid. It’s going to be simple yet joyous. We’ll make use of whatever we have and make a full use of it to make ourselves feel ‘at home’ because home is where the family is.
So people, make full use of this full of barakah month and I hope that everybody is in good health and surrounded by their loved ones. Take care and God bless.
and that's that

Sharifah Jenna Rida Syed Mohsin Al-Mohdzar
Friday, July 2, 2010
Balik kampung
Here’s a tribute entry to a friend of mine who still reads my blog. You know who you are. =)
When I first arrived in Kota Bharu last Friday, I feel weird. I don’t know why but I really feel out of place. It’s like KB is not my home anymore. I don’t even know where home is right now. My cousins picked us up at the airport and took us to my grandma’s house. That felt weird too. Sleeping in other people’s bed (uncle’s bed to be exact) was weird. There was also a strange feeling inside of me, knowing that I use to have a place in KB where I proudly call it home. The place is still there but it’s not the same anymore. It’s just not the same.
Just when I thought the trip would be dull and sad, relatives and friends came to the rescue. Not forgetting the local food of Kelantan. A small get together with my best friends since primary school made me feel at home again. Spending time with my cousins made me feel like I belong. Wondering around my grandma’s house made me like a kid again. All of these changed the way I felt and I started to enjoy the trip more.
I met my friends Saturday morning. Only God knows how much I love and care for them. Even though it was just the three of us, it was fun. Catching up and hanging out like old times. Gosh, I miss the old days. Then that evening, I picked some ‘jambu air’ from the tree in front of grandma’s house and had a wonderful ‘colek’ session with the girls. Sedak do’oh nah! ☺ Later that night, we went to Wakaf Che Yeh to check out the pasar borong. It was awesome. The atmosphere was truly original. It was a warm night and being in a bustling crowd made it even warmer. But no sticky-sweaty feeling could stop me from going from one stall to another. Dikir barat songs were blasted in the background together with the shouting of sellers to attract shoppers to their stalls. I would never ask for a more classic environment of the famous pasar borong.
The next day, my friends and I went to our former teachers’ houses. It was good to see them again. Felt like I was in primary school again. We talked about the present, they asked us about future (kerja and kahwin, haha) and we were reminiscing about the good old days. Catching up session had never been more fun. The biggest news that we got was that one of our seniors/old friends is married and has a kid. Never thought that he would be the first one. He had a reputation of being ‘the guy’ back in school days and was fooling around with a lot of girls. When I first heard from my teacher that he’s married, I choked on tea. That’s how surprised I was. Hope he’s happy now =)
The final day in KB started with a nice breakfast at the infamous Kak Wok. Eating nasi berlauk there felt like heaven. Having it with good company made it even better. Thanks Aiman and Mimi. Love you guys so much! =) Then a bowling session with my cousins ended the trip beautifully (eventhough the game was not..haha). A little bit of shopping and it was complete. May I say, the trip that I doubted to be fun earlier was really fun indeed. Thanks to my loving relatives and awesome friends.
Lots of love, timah =)
and that's that
When I first arrived in Kota Bharu last Friday, I feel weird. I don’t know why but I really feel out of place. It’s like KB is not my home anymore. I don’t even know where home is right now. My cousins picked us up at the airport and took us to my grandma’s house. That felt weird too. Sleeping in other people’s bed (uncle’s bed to be exact) was weird. There was also a strange feeling inside of me, knowing that I use to have a place in KB where I proudly call it home. The place is still there but it’s not the same anymore. It’s just not the same.
Just when I thought the trip would be dull and sad, relatives and friends came to the rescue. Not forgetting the local food of Kelantan. A small get together with my best friends since primary school made me feel at home again. Spending time with my cousins made me feel like I belong. Wondering around my grandma’s house made me like a kid again. All of these changed the way I felt and I started to enjoy the trip more.
I met my friends Saturday morning. Only God knows how much I love and care for them. Even though it was just the three of us, it was fun. Catching up and hanging out like old times. Gosh, I miss the old days. Then that evening, I picked some ‘jambu air’ from the tree in front of grandma’s house and had a wonderful ‘colek’ session with the girls. Sedak do’oh nah! ☺ Later that night, we went to Wakaf Che Yeh to check out the pasar borong. It was awesome. The atmosphere was truly original. It was a warm night and being in a bustling crowd made it even warmer. But no sticky-sweaty feeling could stop me from going from one stall to another. Dikir barat songs were blasted in the background together with the shouting of sellers to attract shoppers to their stalls. I would never ask for a more classic environment of the famous pasar borong.
The next day, my friends and I went to our former teachers’ houses. It was good to see them again. Felt like I was in primary school again. We talked about the present, they asked us about future (kerja and kahwin, haha) and we were reminiscing about the good old days. Catching up session had never been more fun. The biggest news that we got was that one of our seniors/old friends is married and has a kid. Never thought that he would be the first one. He had a reputation of being ‘the guy’ back in school days and was fooling around with a lot of girls. When I first heard from my teacher that he’s married, I choked on tea. That’s how surprised I was. Hope he’s happy now =)
The final day in KB started with a nice breakfast at the infamous Kak Wok. Eating nasi berlauk there felt like heaven. Having it with good company made it even better. Thanks Aiman and Mimi. Love you guys so much! =) Then a bowling session with my cousins ended the trip beautifully (eventhough the game was not..haha). A little bit of shopping and it was complete. May I say, the trip that I doubted to be fun earlier was really fun indeed. Thanks to my loving relatives and awesome friends.
Lots of love, timah =)
and that's that
Saturday, November 7, 2009
check your breasts
Every woman in a population in this world has a 10% chance on getting breast cancer. Any history of the disease within the family can increase the risk percentage in two-folds or more. Being a woman and having the family history of the disease, I went to the doctor for a breast check. Correct technique to do Breast-Self Exam (BSE) was shown and the doctor advised to do BSE every month after menstruation cycle ends. A few days after the check up, I lost my idol, my hero, my love; Puan Aziah Mohamed Yusoff. Yes, it was a very sad moment but life must go on.
She was one of the few women who were defeated by cancer, but there are survivors out there. So there are chances of getting cured if you or anyone you one are affected by breast cancer. Early detection is the most important step to curb the disease and BSE is one of the ways to do it. It’s cheap and easy. So girls, do your own BSE. Guys, tell your mothers, sisters, aunties, girlfriends and other women that you know out there. Check out this website for more info.
and that's that
She was one of the few women who were defeated by cancer, but there are survivors out there. So there are chances of getting cured if you or anyone you one are affected by breast cancer. Early detection is the most important step to curb the disease and BSE is one of the ways to do it. It’s cheap and easy. So girls, do your own BSE. Guys, tell your mothers, sisters, aunties, girlfriends and other women that you know out there. Check out this website for more info.
and that's that
Friday, September 18, 2009
Puasa dan Raya
rasa berzaman da tak update benda alah ni. yelah, nak bagi alsan busy je tak bolah jugak sebab memang sebenarnya sangat lah malas. bukan ape, tak tahu nak tulis pasal apa pun. sekarang ni, stuck kat libray. konon nak buat keje tapi kalo otak da kat malaysia, memang susah la. yes people, I'm going back to Malaysia for raya!!! aduhai, sangat la gembira tak terkata-kata. terpaksa ponteng kelas a week, bukan nak, tp terpaksa, nak buat macam mana kn? =p
puasa so far sangat seronok kat sini, alhamdulillah. bila fikir balik, senang sebenarnya kalo puasa time kelas. x payah susah2 nak fikir nak makan ape time lunch. pastu after terawih boleh terus lepak library sampai midnight. boleh dikatakan, bulan puasa ni bwt saya rajin dalam pelbagai aspek. berkat bulan puasa kn? alhamdulillah.
tapi sedih jugak sebab tak dapat raya dengan kawan-kawan tahun ni. last year, raya macam da kat malaysia, minus family members. bunga api ada, sembahyang raya, open houses, siap lengkap semua. makanan pon cukup lengkap. siap first time makan lemang lagi. yela, kat kelantan mana ada lemang. kira ok la, boleh jugak rasa. ouh, tapi x de duit raya la jugak. tapi xpe. tahun ni ada. yay!!
bila buka kat surau uni, seronok dapat tengok muslim from other countries. yela, bahasa da lain. cara sembahyang pon berbeza. macam2 dapat belajar. adat lagi la lain. pastu dapat cuba makanan negara lain. tapi kalo orang arab yang masak, memang nasi kambing la. ada sekali tu, 3 malam berturut-turut buka dengan nasi kambing. rasa da nak jd kambing da. tapi xpe, bersyukur sebab ada orang yang sudi nak sumbangkan iftar untuk semua. terima kasih. only Allah ccan repay your kindness.
bila puasa da nak habis ni, rasa rindu la plak. berbuka dengan kawan2, kumpul kar surau, terawih sama2. tp xpe, tahun depan masih ada. insyaallah. semoga ramadhan tahun ini telah membawa berkat kepada anda semua. amin.
ouh, last two days saya telah berjaya membuat onde-onde dengan berjayanya. haha. bangga plak. bukan ape, first time buat kuih tradisional, pastu resipi pon kawan bagitau secara lisan je. jadi ingat2 lupa je la masa buat tu. tp akhirnya jadi, alhamdulillah. pastu bila bagi kawan2 mkn, diorg cakap sedap. hehe. terima kasih. insyaallah nti saya buat lagi. ada gambar tp dlm camera. nti ble ingt, saya upload k? macam la ada org nak tgk. haha.
raya kat malaysia dengan kat sini sgt berbeza. tp both ada keistimewaan masing-masing. frankly speaking, i don't mind if i have to celebrate eid here. because even if the place is far away from home and your family, but if you have a place that you can call home and friends that are like your family, you wouldn't even feel the difference. so, mana-mana pon sama sahaja. bukannya x ingat kat family pon ble raya. lepas tu, kalo xde makanan macam kt malaysia pon, bukannya x boleh raya pon. pastu kalo nak sgt, pakat la dengan kawan-kawan buat sndr, lg seronok. make do of what you have rather than begging for what you don't have.
jadi, di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua. kepada yang berada di perantauan, semoga hari raya anda lebih bermakana di samping kawan-kawan. kepada yang beraya bersama keluarga, be grateful that you get the chance and don't waste it. sebab kepada kami disini, itu yang kami semua mahu.
jaga diri dan have fun guys!
and that's that
puasa so far sangat seronok kat sini, alhamdulillah. bila fikir balik, senang sebenarnya kalo puasa time kelas. x payah susah2 nak fikir nak makan ape time lunch. pastu after terawih boleh terus lepak library sampai midnight. boleh dikatakan, bulan puasa ni bwt saya rajin dalam pelbagai aspek. berkat bulan puasa kn? alhamdulillah.
tapi sedih jugak sebab tak dapat raya dengan kawan-kawan tahun ni. last year, raya macam da kat malaysia, minus family members. bunga api ada, sembahyang raya, open houses, siap lengkap semua. makanan pon cukup lengkap. siap first time makan lemang lagi. yela, kat kelantan mana ada lemang. kira ok la, boleh jugak rasa. ouh, tapi x de duit raya la jugak. tapi xpe. tahun ni ada. yay!!
bila buka kat surau uni, seronok dapat tengok muslim from other countries. yela, bahasa da lain. cara sembahyang pon berbeza. macam2 dapat belajar. adat lagi la lain. pastu dapat cuba makanan negara lain. tapi kalo orang arab yang masak, memang nasi kambing la. ada sekali tu, 3 malam berturut-turut buka dengan nasi kambing. rasa da nak jd kambing da. tapi xpe, bersyukur sebab ada orang yang sudi nak sumbangkan iftar untuk semua. terima kasih. only Allah ccan repay your kindness.
bila puasa da nak habis ni, rasa rindu la plak. berbuka dengan kawan2, kumpul kar surau, terawih sama2. tp xpe, tahun depan masih ada. insyaallah. semoga ramadhan tahun ini telah membawa berkat kepada anda semua. amin.
ouh, last two days saya telah berjaya membuat onde-onde dengan berjayanya. haha. bangga plak. bukan ape, first time buat kuih tradisional, pastu resipi pon kawan bagitau secara lisan je. jadi ingat2 lupa je la masa buat tu. tp akhirnya jadi, alhamdulillah. pastu bila bagi kawan2 mkn, diorg cakap sedap. hehe. terima kasih. insyaallah nti saya buat lagi. ada gambar tp dlm camera. nti ble ingt, saya upload k? macam la ada org nak tgk. haha.
raya kat malaysia dengan kat sini sgt berbeza. tp both ada keistimewaan masing-masing. frankly speaking, i don't mind if i have to celebrate eid here. because even if the place is far away from home and your family, but if you have a place that you can call home and friends that are like your family, you wouldn't even feel the difference. so, mana-mana pon sama sahaja. bukannya x ingat kat family pon ble raya. lepas tu, kalo xde makanan macam kt malaysia pon, bukannya x boleh raya pon. pastu kalo nak sgt, pakat la dengan kawan-kawan buat sndr, lg seronok. make do of what you have rather than begging for what you don't have.
jadi, di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua. kepada yang berada di perantauan, semoga hari raya anda lebih bermakana di samping kawan-kawan. kepada yang beraya bersama keluarga, be grateful that you get the chance and don't waste it. sebab kepada kami disini, itu yang kami semua mahu.
jaga diri dan have fun guys!
and that's that
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Merdeka and Puasa
One of the reasons I seldom update my blog is that I have no ideas what to write about. That is besides I’m lazy to write. Not that there’s nothing happening in my life. Maybe too much stuff is happening, keeping me away from my blog. I don’t even have the time to check my own blog site, let alone other people’s blog. I’m not surprised if one day my blog site would just vanish. Maybe I won’t even notice that it’s gone.
So, last night was a night to remember. There’s still two weeks before ‘Merdeka’ but MASCA QLD managed to organize a wonderful event. The production ‘Kekasih Semalam’ was, may I say, super duper freakin’ AWESOME!! Not because I was apart of it, but that’s the truth. We spent 2 months, day and night practising for the show. The amazing part was, most of us never have been involved in a play before. The experience and the stuff that I’ve learnt are priceless. Thank you to everybody who has been working hard for the event. Hopefully, there will be another one next year.
Reality check. Uni is going well so far. Although I missed a week of classes due to ‘extreme’ coughing, catching up is made easy thanks to Lectopia. That’s why I love my uni so much. =)
Ramadan will be coming next week. I must say, I am excited. Last year was a wonderful fasting month and Raya. So I’m looking forward to this year’s celebrations for both fasting and Eid month. May Allah give us all blessings and the strength to go through the holy month of Ramadan.
I really have to go now. When will be the next entry? I don’t know. That is if there will be any. Take care people. And Selamat Berpuasa!!!
and that's that
So, last night was a night to remember. There’s still two weeks before ‘Merdeka’ but MASCA QLD managed to organize a wonderful event. The production ‘Kekasih Semalam’ was, may I say, super duper freakin’ AWESOME!! Not because I was apart of it, but that’s the truth. We spent 2 months, day and night practising for the show. The amazing part was, most of us never have been involved in a play before. The experience and the stuff that I’ve learnt are priceless. Thank you to everybody who has been working hard for the event. Hopefully, there will be another one next year.
Reality check. Uni is going well so far. Although I missed a week of classes due to ‘extreme’ coughing, catching up is made easy thanks to Lectopia. That’s why I love my uni so much. =)
Ramadan will be coming next week. I must say, I am excited. Last year was a wonderful fasting month and Raya. So I’m looking forward to this year’s celebrations for both fasting and Eid month. May Allah give us all blessings and the strength to go through the holy month of Ramadan.
I really have to go now. When will be the next entry? I don’t know. That is if there will be any. Take care people. And Selamat Berpuasa!!!
and that's that
Saturday, June 20, 2009
hello hello
apa khabar orang kampung? tok ketua sihat?
haha. it's been 4 weeks since my last entry. not that anybody was waiting for any new ones. except for ika =). so this goes to ika dearest!
exams week is definitely killing everybody! zombies, coffee drinkers, redbull addicts (mother for me!) and instant geeks are suddenly everywhere. i have another paper to go and im done. but as for tonight, i'm taking a break after 3 i-tot-i-can-do-it-but-i-was-oh-so-wrong papers, went to 200 sir fred and showed my ping pong moves. more likes moves for missing the ball. haha. macam arcade da kt bwh rumah diorg. tp sgt best!! bila la diorg nk letak sofa kt bwh tu ye? (hint:amik2 la sofa ni korg) =)
before SWOTVAC, i had the best birthday ever. make that 2 days of birthday. they planned a surprise party at home while i was out shopping. of course i didn't expect anything because it was not my birthday yet. haha. but i guess a day before counts. it was awesome! thanks again people!!
not to forget, the gifts. ouh, the flowers were just gorgeous!! heart the roses
and the 'tiger'. go go tiger! haha. and the wallet and the cool shoes, tp size kecik =( . tp xpe. hehe. thnx!!
but the initial plan was still on. max brenner! ouh, i fell in love with max brenner since i first tried it in sydney. and now, it's in gold coast, i'll go when i need a gateway to paradise. and after we all got drunk by chocolate, a spontaneous stop at surfers paradise, thanks to somebody shouting,'laser gun jom?!'. so we ended up delaying up to 4 hours for our trip back to brisbane. laser gun, dance dance revolution, and oporto. it was unexpected in a fun way! i just love it. a million thanks to you guys again.
well, less than a week to go back home. yay! can't wait. ouh Dr Karen, please let me answer maths paper with ease. i need to go back happy!
and that's that
haha. it's been 4 weeks since my last entry. not that anybody was waiting for any new ones. except for ika =). so this goes to ika dearest!
exams week is definitely killing everybody! zombies, coffee drinkers, redbull addicts (mother for me!) and instant geeks are suddenly everywhere. i have another paper to go and im done. but as for tonight, i'm taking a break after 3 i-tot-i-can-do-it-but-i-was-oh-so-wrong papers, went to 200 sir fred and showed my ping pong moves. more likes moves for missing the ball. haha. macam arcade da kt bwh rumah diorg. tp sgt best!! bila la diorg nk letak sofa kt bwh tu ye? (hint:amik2 la sofa ni korg) =)
before SWOTVAC, i had the best birthday ever. make that 2 days of birthday. they planned a surprise party at home while i was out shopping. of course i didn't expect anything because it was not my birthday yet. haha. but i guess a day before counts. it was awesome! thanks again people!!
not to forget, the gifts. ouh, the flowers were just gorgeous!! heart the roses
and the 'tiger'. go go tiger! haha. and the wallet and the cool shoes, tp size kecik =( . tp xpe. hehe. thnx!!
but the initial plan was still on. max brenner! ouh, i fell in love with max brenner since i first tried it in sydney. and now, it's in gold coast, i'll go when i need a gateway to paradise. and after we all got drunk by chocolate, a spontaneous stop at surfers paradise, thanks to somebody shouting,'laser gun jom?!'. so we ended up delaying up to 4 hours for our trip back to brisbane. laser gun, dance dance revolution, and oporto. it was unexpected in a fun way! i just love it. a million thanks to you guys again.
well, less than a week to go back home. yay! can't wait. ouh Dr Karen, please let me answer maths paper with ease. i need to go back happy!
and that's that
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