yup...n its terrible...very bad
i cnt talk cause im having a bad sore throat
i cnt go out cause its too cold outside
i cnt go to class cause i cnt go out and talk
i cnt talk to ibu cause i cnt talk
i cnt study cause my head is not working well
i cnt laugh cause it will hurt my throat
but i cn still smile...nasib baik
hope that it will end soon
fever sucks...
and that's that
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
no, that's not right
for a few days, things had been going wrong...
had a bad flight back to brisbane...bad journey back to home
i can't use the phone
felt sick, homesick..
n bnyk lg...but i had to keep on reminding myself to look on the bright side
coz if nt, those bad experiences would eat me alive n make me think about it more often
when i think about bad things, there's no doubt that it would happen
law of attraction
'wish for what u want n d universe will give it to u'
it's true, zamir wrote about this in his blog b4
tp kalo nk ikotkn, mmg btol pon dr segi agama
segala ape yg kita katakn adalah doa
jd, jika kita asyik berkata-kata ttg keburukan yg akn berlaku, maka ia akn berlaku
jika sebaliknya, maka yg sebaliknya akn berlaku..
so do try n apply it
4 ur long term n short term wishes..
im starting a long term wish nw...hope it happens...amin..
and that's that
had a bad flight back to brisbane...bad journey back to home
i can't use the phone
felt sick, homesick..
n bnyk lg...but i had to keep on reminding myself to look on the bright side
coz if nt, those bad experiences would eat me alive n make me think about it more often
when i think about bad things, there's no doubt that it would happen
law of attraction
'wish for what u want n d universe will give it to u'
it's true, zamir wrote about this in his blog b4
tp kalo nk ikotkn, mmg btol pon dr segi agama
segala ape yg kita katakn adalah doa
jd, jika kita asyik berkata-kata ttg keburukan yg akn berlaku, maka ia akn berlaku
jika sebaliknya, maka yg sebaliknya akn berlaku..
so do try n apply it
4 ur long term n short term wishes..
im starting a long term wish nw...hope it happens...amin..
and that's that
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
for 3 days, i was at pulau langkawi....brings back old memories...
huhu...food court kt langkawi fair..ingt x??...tp kdi tepi ujung da tutup...kdi mrc makcik cine tua tuh bkak lg...n d food is still good...
pas2 lalu dpn langkawi lagoon, the place where batch seeckz had the anual dinner..ingt lg theme universal ladybird...sme pki lawa gle...huhu...pas2 bt show...nazirul ala ala micheal buble, naza n d gang cm, em, menari ape tah...n'sync ek??..pape je la kn...huhu...pas2 tukar2 hadiah...luqman dpt hadiah aku...aku bg shirt..dia mengharpkn mag ape tah..maja ingt x nama dia??..huhu...
pas2 mse kt lkawi fair jumpe cikgu ape tah nama dia...yg ajar acc tu...pas2 fountain dpn mcd kt lkawi fair tu da kering...huhu...tmpt lepak tuh...
mse kt lkawi, i realised dat msia has a lot to offer...d beaches r picturesque and breathtaking....mse naik cable car...lg la...our land is blessed with beautiful nature...
kalo nk pg vac tmpt lain, kne pg dlu
at least langkawi or other islands in msia...then pg n compare...rsenye mesti akn dpt rse, msia pny not bad n we shud be proud of it...
org luar dtg cni nk tgk tmpt kte...n sme org kaya2...huhu...esp arabs...rmi gle!!!...pg mana2 je mesti ada diorg...huhu...i think they really like our place...
hm, duk 3 ari je...n da la x smpt nk g skola...haha...rse x puas sgt...if i get the chance, i wud love to go again n d next time i go, i wud be snorkeling n island hopping on my list...who wants to follow??
and that's that
huhu...food court kt langkawi fair..ingt x??...tp kdi tepi ujung da tutup...kdi mrc makcik cine tua tuh bkak lg...n d food is still good...
pas2 lalu dpn langkawi lagoon, the place where batch seeckz had the anual dinner..ingt lg theme universal ladybird...sme pki lawa gle...huhu...pas2 bt show...nazirul ala ala micheal buble, naza n d gang cm, em, menari ape tah...n'sync ek??..pape je la kn...huhu...pas2 tukar2 hadiah...luqman dpt hadiah aku...aku bg shirt..dia mengharpkn mag ape tah..maja ingt x nama dia??..huhu...
pas2 mse kt lkawi fair jumpe cikgu ape tah nama dia...yg ajar acc tu...pas2 fountain dpn mcd kt lkawi fair tu da kering...huhu...tmpt lepak tuh...
mse kt lkawi, i realised dat msia has a lot to offer...d beaches r picturesque and breathtaking....mse naik cable car...lg la...our land is blessed with beautiful nature...
kalo nk pg vac tmpt lain, kne pg dlu
at least langkawi or other islands in msia...then pg n compare...rsenye mesti akn dpt rse, msia pny not bad n we shud be proud of it...
org luar dtg cni nk tgk tmpt kte...n sme org kaya2...huhu...esp arabs...rmi gle!!!...pg mana2 je mesti ada diorg...huhu...i think they really like our place...
hm, duk 3 ari je...n da la x smpt nk g skola...haha...rse x puas sgt...if i get the chance, i wud love to go again n d next time i go, i wud be snorkeling n island hopping on my list...who wants to follow??
and that's that
Friday, July 11, 2008
can't help myself
sugar pie hunny bun...
blk kb ni, bnyk kali jd kes ni...can't help myself...haha
i can't help myself from eating lots of good food....lots n lots!!
kejenye mkn je...msuk dapur, bkak fridge, amik food, pg dpn tv, mkn...
da abis, msuk dpur lg nk bsh tgn n minum air..pas2 bkak fridge lg...
n it continues...smpi la kne remind myself of the weight dat im putting on...haish...
i also can't help myself from sleeping a lot!!!...
bgn lmbt...pas2 kalo tdo siang, da bkn nap da...mcm mmg tdo mlm da...truknye....
i can't help myself from watching lots of tv...sofa tu cm da ada shape lekuk...haha...
pas 1 movie, smbg lg satu...mana la nk bgn...astro=mcm2 ada....
tp ada gak yg xde...tp ok la kn?...
i also can't help myself from wondering around and about n do wat i do second best....shopping!!
huhu...blk bwk skit je bj, ni nk blk skola blk....beg pnuh...ish ish....
wat i do best??...hehe...x taw la...
and all of these makes me dun want to go bck...at least nt nw...
x puas lg bermls2..huhu...
but i built a new hope on sumtin new dat i just discovered....n im really happy about dat....
it may change me...*fingers cross*
and that's that
blk kb ni, bnyk kali jd kes ni...can't help myself...haha
i can't help myself from eating lots of good food....lots n lots!!
kejenye mkn je...msuk dapur, bkak fridge, amik food, pg dpn tv, mkn...
da abis, msuk dpur lg nk bsh tgn n minum air..pas2 bkak fridge lg...
n it continues...smpi la kne remind myself of the weight dat im putting on...haish...
i also can't help myself from sleeping a lot!!!...
bgn lmbt...pas2 kalo tdo siang, da bkn nap da...mcm mmg tdo mlm da...truknye....
i can't help myself from watching lots of tv...sofa tu cm da ada shape lekuk...haha...
pas 1 movie, smbg lg satu...mana la nk bgn...astro=mcm2 ada....
tp ada gak yg xde...tp ok la kn?...
i also can't help myself from wondering around and about n do wat i do second best....shopping!!
huhu...blk bwk skit je bj, ni nk blk skola blk....beg pnuh...ish ish....
wat i do best??...hehe...x taw la...
and all of these makes me dun want to go bck...at least nt nw...
x puas lg bermls2..huhu...
but i built a new hope on sumtin new dat i just discovered....n im really happy about dat....
it may change me...*fingers cross*
and that's that
Thursday, July 3, 2008
people pleaser
bkn sekali dua...da bnyk kali
mesti rmi gak yg pnah kne
layanan yg diberikn oleh salesgirl/man/waiter/penjaga kedai yg sux
sux gle...
bkn ape la kn?...nk kte da lewat ptg...aku pg time kdi bru je bkak
so ape alasan lg nk tunjuk muke yg mmg da buruk, pas2 lg buruk ble masam n all
'kak, mintak size ni ek? nk try both sides'
'hm, ok' kata akak itu dgn muka yg mmg cm ****
mse dia g amik kasut tu dlm stor, aku da jd bengang..
akak ni mmg nk kne...bknnye aku nk sgt pon bli kn..
ble dia dtg blk, aku try...mmg ok
tp sbb akak tu fail dlm melayan pelanggan..sbb bkn aku sorg je, ada sorg lg mak cik pon kne layan cmtu
n sbb tu
'xpe lah kak, sy xnk' n aku blah dgn mke slamba
sian kt kdi vincci tu, ilang satu sale di pagi hari sbb pekerja dia cm *******
mmg la, aku x bli bknnye bankrupt kdi tu
tp kalo 10 customer rse cm aku,n bnyk hari...blh jd gak kn?
b4 dat, pg lg satu kdi
bkn nk bli pon...saje tgk2
ada abg cine ni sorg
'ye dik, blh tlg?'
aku pon tny la, ni model bru ke? ape function best? etc.
dia pon dgn sabar lyn aku, xplain satu2, dgn pnuh detail (wpon x bpe phm pelat dia)
tp cm best...lembut je dia ckp, bersopan sgt, senyum sokmo =)
x psl2, kdi tu berjaya menjual satu product dia n b4 dat da ada pmpn arab ni bli plasma tv kt kdi tuh
murah rezeki kn business tauke kdi tu?
jd, aku rse...kalo nti kte bkak kdi...kte kne monitor pekerja kte
pndi x lyn org, sabar ke x
yela, mmg la ada customer yg mengada2
tp mmg la kn, kalo x sabar, jgn cr keje yg kne deal ngn org
baik keje ngn computer jek
untung rugi perniagaan, pekerja pny attitude yg decide
and that's that
mesti rmi gak yg pnah kne
layanan yg diberikn oleh salesgirl/man/waiter/penjaga kedai yg sux
sux gle...
bkn ape la kn?...nk kte da lewat ptg...aku pg time kdi bru je bkak
so ape alasan lg nk tunjuk muke yg mmg da buruk, pas2 lg buruk ble masam n all
'kak, mintak size ni ek? nk try both sides'
'hm, ok' kata akak itu dgn muka yg mmg cm ****
mse dia g amik kasut tu dlm stor, aku da jd bengang..
akak ni mmg nk kne...bknnye aku nk sgt pon bli kn..
ble dia dtg blk, aku try...mmg ok
tp sbb akak tu fail dlm melayan pelanggan..sbb bkn aku sorg je, ada sorg lg mak cik pon kne layan cmtu
n sbb tu
'xpe lah kak, sy xnk' n aku blah dgn mke slamba
sian kt kdi vincci tu, ilang satu sale di pagi hari sbb pekerja dia cm *******
mmg la, aku x bli bknnye bankrupt kdi tu
tp kalo 10 customer rse cm aku,n bnyk hari...blh jd gak kn?
b4 dat, pg lg satu kdi
bkn nk bli pon...saje tgk2
ada abg cine ni sorg
'ye dik, blh tlg?'
aku pon tny la, ni model bru ke? ape function best? etc.
dia pon dgn sabar lyn aku, xplain satu2, dgn pnuh detail (wpon x bpe phm pelat dia)
tp cm best...lembut je dia ckp, bersopan sgt, senyum sokmo =)
x psl2, kdi tu berjaya menjual satu product dia n b4 dat da ada pmpn arab ni bli plasma tv kt kdi tuh
murah rezeki kn business tauke kdi tu?
jd, aku rse...kalo nti kte bkak kdi...kte kne monitor pekerja kte
pndi x lyn org, sabar ke x
yela, mmg la ada customer yg mengada2
tp mmg la kn, kalo x sabar, jgn cr keje yg kne deal ngn org
baik keje ngn computer jek
untung rugi perniagaan, pekerja pny attitude yg decide
and that's that
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