Macam-macam mana pun, puasa kat Malaysia mesti lah lagi awesome. Rindu sangat nak pergi bazaar ramadhan. =( Tapi kat sini pun ada jugak, on weekends. Not bad at all ey?
Last two days, Sharifah Jenna Rida was born. Congratulations to my brother and his wife. Congratulations to us all. A new addition to the small yet very loving family. Really can’t wait to back for summer and meet her. The day that I got the news, I was very happy indeed. Very happy. I’m not sure why but I guess my heart knew why. I’m grateful for His blessings to our family. Semua yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, betul? Insyaallah.
Raya tahun ni macam mana? Raya kat sini dengan kawan-kawan. I must say, I’m pretty excited. Don’t know why but I don’t feel that much of a difference. Just as long as I’m not alone during Eid. It’s going to be simple yet joyous. We’ll make use of whatever we have and make a full use of it to make ourselves feel ‘at home’ because home is where the family is.
So people, make full use of this full of barakah month and I hope that everybody is in good health and surrounded by their loved ones. Take care and God bless.
and that's that

Sharifah Jenna Rida Syed Mohsin Al-Mohdzar