Just when I thought my blog page is long gone, it's still here. My first thought however was, 'Do people still blog these days? Maybe they prefer Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr or other online social networking site.' I'm not a big fan of those myself. I don't find it amusing to read people's thoughts that change every 5 minutes or if they are in a relationship and then single again the next day. I really don't care people. But it can be good if really know what to look for. As always, there's good and bad for everything.
Anyways, the 'drought' blog posts may be due to a couple of reasons. I was busy (really?), I don't know what to write about, I'm too lazy to write, etc. But I guess the main reason was I kinda lost my love towards writing. Which is totally not ideal.
See, I'm the kind of person who thinks and feels a lot. A LOT. Especially when I'm alone. Most of the things that I think about or feel or, not good. Was becoming a bit of a sour puss, this girl. Not trying to say that I'm depressed or anything, but I do feel like so. Is that part of growing up or was it just hormones? What ever it is, I need to give a slap to myself and not be that kind of person anymore. I"m worrying people that I love and I'm scared of them running away from me because I'm acting like an idiot.
I guess I'm still in healing process, hence the bitterness. But not everything is about you, you know?
When you feel like you are down, reflect on what the happiness that surrounds you and be thankful. There are other people in this world that would give up anything to be in your shoes right now. So, cheer up. It's not the end of the world. Mope around a little but then get back up and put a smile on your face again.
Talk about your feelings. Tell someone about it. Someone that you feel comfortable with and trust. But don't just talk. Listen to what the person have to say. It might not be the best advice in the world but just listen. It will make you feel that you're not alone and there's also someone who will be there for you no matter what. Family, friends, loved one. Heck, even your pets can be your listener. Whoever it is, hear what the person has to say. You must be able to receive feedbacks/critics/advice with open heart. And try to make a change for yourself.
This is not the last one, but should be the first one. Pray to God. He knows everything, without needing you to lay out the story one by one. But don't just ask for happiness/serenity etc, but try to look for it. Wordings of Quran is more than just what it is translated. Try to understand it and ponder it from a different point of view. Take a lesson from it to improve yourself. Remember, Allah is always with you. If you think you are going through a hardship/life crisis, it means that He loves you and He wants to test your faith. Never give up on yourself or anything for that matter. And most importantly, don't ever give up on Him. Nauzubillah. count your blessings and be wise. Don't dread on what you don't have today but be grateful for what you already have. Everything happens for a reason. Always does.
So, I hope this post helps you as it helps me. It's kinda like giving myself a pep talk. Very therapeutic indeed. Till then, bye.
and that's that