Saturday, August 9, 2008

merchants of bollywood

for the 1st time, i watched a musical theater and it was awesome!!
the dancers were all hot(gurls) and hunk(guys + 6 pax!!!)...=p
mmg rse nk bgn n dance skali jek..haha...da lme sbnrnye x tgk hindustan
so ble tgk td cm teringt zaman2 skola rendah, sb dia cm pki gak lagu2 yg rse familiar...hehe
hero dia...mak aih, hot tersgt..haha..x pnah kot aku ckp cmtu psl a guy
heroin dia...fuh, mmg muka pure hindustan abis...lawa sgt...
and d other dancers were absolutely stunning!!
hehe...i was one of the few people who were smiling as the show went on..syok sgt kot..
wpon td d crowd were mainly old it was a cool crowd..hehe...diorg pon naik syeikh gak..haha!!
so if the show is anywhre u guys are at ryte nw, go n watch it...its a hit in europe, london and brisbane for a reason =)
and that's that


RaHmAn said...

haha.. awat x bgn jek joget dgn diorg? haha. ade can diorg lawat KL x? bleh g tgk.. =p

tmah said...

hehe..tny la diorg...huhu...n u told me ur nt jealous im going...haha!

RaHmAn said...

haha.. jeles la skit. hindustan tuh da laa one of my fav. sebahagian darah daging gitu. =p

Anonymous said...

hahaha..sekat bilo plok mu minat hindustan nih..?!hish..sokmo nk niru aku..hahaha

tmah said...

ha??...mung minat gok ko??...ok...tu meme aku xtaw...haha