its the second week of Ramadhan da...cpt kn?
x perasan pon time flies quickly pastu bnyk la keje yg x siap...hehe
so what happened in past weeks?
well, had MERDEKA CUP here in UQ...
2 straight hours of netball and without prior and proper training....
pnat teramat sgt tp worth it..dpt 2nd place!! =D
hehe...out of 5 je pon, tp kire ok la tuh...hehe
after the games, had a merdeka gathering with fellow msians here in UQ and other unis in QLD.
mkn nasi briyani and steak...first time in aussie!! huhu...puas ati sgt mkn tuh...da la sdap gle...
sapa2 yg msk aritu, for sure im going to her/his house for raya...haha
dat night, me, lia, bean, zepul, as, katek and apip...we went out to watch the riverfire fireworks show...wahaha...gempak gle
da la merdeka eve, so ktorg konon celeb8 merdeka la..hehe
tp diorg pny fireworks lg gempak dr merdeka KLCC...haha...ada 3 spots fireworks...and another 1 ats bridge...pastu ktorg dpt seat plg best...yg dkt tgh2 nmpk sme...
after the "ooohs and ahhhs" pancake manor (fav pancake place + tmpt lpak mlm2)
d nxt day, the effect of the netball and whole day out got me really bad...
i cnt even walk properly....ala2 king kong pon ada
haha...skt sgt my whole body...muscles sme koyak...haha
3 ari gak la nk ilang, skrg da ok da =)
pas2 stat pose...huhu
first time pose away from home...mule2 ingtkn sdey gle...skali xde la sgt..
rse biasa2 je
cme xde mknan gempak2 r... ok la...pastu time bukak pose awl!!...hehe...
with all the assignments and mid term exams, i barely have time to think what to cook for berbuka...taw2 da kul 4.30 pm...msuk dpur...bwt je pape...5.30 da buka...
huhu...sronok gak r
smlm lak ada iftar kt surau kt UQ.turn malaysia masak...sbb gilir2 country everyday...
yg b4 dis, x pnah pon g buka kt smlm pg la sbb nk tlg2...
skali mknana, mak oih, kalah kalo buka kt umah sndr
ada nasi minyak, ayam pedas, kari kambing, kurma, fruits bpe jnis tah, ada dadih, jelly, donut la, karipap, choc cake, popia la, bihun grg la...srius bnyk lg..pastu bnyk sgt lbey...siap bagi2 kt org lg...huhu...generous tol msians kn? proud to be 1
sbb ada org ckp, kalo turn country lain msk, mknan x bnyk sgt n kdg2 x bpe best...sbb diorg xde close networking like us msians kt mane2 pon korg duk, jgn isolate urself...kalo ada msians yg lain, join skali...x de la rse lonely and homesick sgt...
lg pon bulan pose ni, bwt2 la amal kebajikan dgn cara yg plg kte mampu... =)
sme benda tuh had been good distractions for me...distractions from things that im nt even sure of if its i want it to be true...maybe it is true...but sometimes a girl just wanna know...
so from now on, i nid to occupy myself so that i will not think about that matter too much...
those are some of the picture of merdeka cup, enjoy!
and that's that
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