It’s been a month since my trip to Bandung with my family and only now can I find sometime to tell you guys about it. I was ‘busy’. =)
Thanks to my single-‘ I need a GF’-brother, my mom and I got a chance to experience Bandung together with him. The intention of the trip was to make up for the boring group trip to the same place that my mom had gone 2 years ago and also, to treat me, his favourite sister ☺, for some good time. Well, it was the right time and the right place. I need some relaxation and shopping was on top of the list at that time.
The first day in Bandung was great. We arrived around noon, local time, checked in, freshened up and off we went to Pasar Baru. Fortunately, or should I say unfortunately, the six-floor of textile and other goods centre was only a walking distance from our hotel. It was my first time strolling in Bandung and lots of things were different from what I used to see in Malaysia. There were carts selling food and drinks along the way, not forgetting people trying to sell handicraft stuff to tourists. From what I saw, these people, well most of them, are really living a hard life. The condition over there is not good enough to support these people. But they are trying their best to make ends meet.
So, at the Pasar Baru, there was loads of stuff over there. But what kept me, my mom, my auntie and my cousin over there was the textile floor. Everybody, if there’s someone who’s planning a weeding on your family, or yourself, do pay a visit to this place. Trust me, you’ll be head over heels and can go crazy with the choices over there. Once, I was having a look at this lacy piece and the ‘bapak’ asked if I were getting married. And I told him I’d come back for that when I’m ready. ;)
After spending the first day at Pasar Baru, we decided to hit the infamous factory outlets in Bandung. But I must say I was quite disappointed. There was not much stuff that caught my eye. Or maybe we had been to the wrong shops. I don’t know but maybe I was a good sign of saving our rupiahs. Tired of shopping, my cousin suggested that we should go up the mountain and visit Kampung Daun (though my auntie disagreed). Kampung Daun is a place where people usually have dinner over there and it used to be a volcano, I think. The place was really nice. The place was lit by natural light from fire in safety cases and dinner is served in huts. The food was okay but I’ll give 10 for the exotic atmosphere. And if you’re happened to be there, do try ‘Pisang goreng cheese’.
We went to the Tangkuban Perahu volcano the next day. I’m really glad I went there. It was my first encounter with crater of active volcano. The scenery was breathtaking. We also took a short trekking walk to Kawah Domas, the crater that emits geysers and hot spring water. And the guides were nice and friendly too. Done with the sight seeing, I tag along with my brother to distro, an area of indie local branded clothing shops. I love the distro so much; I didn’t mind that I had to walk far from one shop to another. But I was worth it. I even got myself a pair of limited edition sneakers. Yeay me! And I think you guys would love it as much as I do.
So, that’s much it. Bandung is really nice cool place to visit. Wouldn’t mind to go again. The next stop, Jakarta! Anyone interested? =p
and that's that
p/s: guys in Bandung are ouh-so-cute! -excuse my misbehaviour-
The next stop, Jakarta! Anyone interested? =p
I AM! *waves*
wah aku mau cowok2 bandung!!
Sependapat dgn Katek. Cowok bandung pon mesti cute kn?
errr korg nak cowok? gay kah? lol.
eh bukan abang timah dah ade gf ke? *wink wink*
bandung best shopping shawl!
mana gambar abang timah? awat tak upload. eh dilos ni sebut2 nama yan. tersedak
kite pon sempat pegi kampung daunN! sangat cantekk kan? and also tangkuban perahu! haha. orang jual tepi jalan tu sangat annoying! memaksa gilaa, kesian pon ada. btw, tak puas gilaaa pegi sana! :(
Cowok 2 sbnrnye utk laki or puang?
nuha: yeay!! wait for me ok?
katek n juon: cewek la pmpn...btol x nuha? =)
dilos n yan: blog sy, bwt pe ltak gmbr dia
mirah: best kn? kte pon nk pg lg...jom!!! tula, sian kt diorg...kalo org nk bg duit aje x nk plak... =(
tapi... aku mau cowok...
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