2. a picture of you at somewhere you dislike
3. a picture of someone that means a lot to u

4. a picture with your best smile (mouth open)
5. a picture with your best smile (mouth closed)
6.a picture of you with the lamest pose
7. a picture of someone that stands on top of your heart
8. a picture of you with some toys or cute stuff
9. a picture of you in white shirt
10. a candid picture of you and your friends
and that's that
p/s: im tagging [dilos, mimie, katek, yan, nuha....everybody!]
lol saya di tagged?
waaaa...saya terharu!! tq dear! :-D...sukaaaaa...
yan: ye, dan kamu perlu melakukannya juga
ika: ur welcome!! hehe...
da buat!!
nak buat!!!!!!!!!!!!! boleh? haha. saya x malu :P
bwt la zatey...kan da tag smua org tuh...hehe
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