Every woman in a population in this world has a 10% chance on getting breast cancer. Any history of the disease within the family can increase the risk percentage in two-folds or more. Being a woman and having the family history of the disease, I went to the doctor for a breast check. Correct technique to do Breast-Self Exam (BSE) was shown and the doctor advised to do BSE every month after menstruation cycle ends. A few days after the check up, I lost my idol, my hero, my love; Puan Aziah Mohamed Yusoff. Yes, it was a very sad moment but life must go on.
She was one of the few women who were defeated by cancer, but there are survivors out there. So there are chances of getting cured if you or anyone you one are affected by breast cancer. Early detection is the most important step to curb the disease and BSE is one of the ways to do it. It’s cheap and easy. So girls, do your own BSE. Guys, tell your mothers, sisters, aunties, girlfriends and other women that you know out there. Check out this website for more info.
and that's that
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Puasa dan Raya
rasa berzaman da tak update benda alah ni. yelah, nak bagi alsan busy je tak bolah jugak sebab memang sebenarnya sangat lah malas. bukan ape, tak tahu nak tulis pasal apa pun. sekarang ni, stuck kat libray. konon nak buat keje tapi kalo otak da kat malaysia, memang susah la. yes people, I'm going back to Malaysia for raya!!! aduhai, sangat la gembira tak terkata-kata. terpaksa ponteng kelas a week, bukan nak, tp terpaksa, nak buat macam mana kn? =p
puasa so far sangat seronok kat sini, alhamdulillah. bila fikir balik, senang sebenarnya kalo puasa time kelas. x payah susah2 nak fikir nak makan ape time lunch. pastu after terawih boleh terus lepak library sampai midnight. boleh dikatakan, bulan puasa ni bwt saya rajin dalam pelbagai aspek. berkat bulan puasa kn? alhamdulillah.
tapi sedih jugak sebab tak dapat raya dengan kawan-kawan tahun ni. last year, raya macam da kat malaysia, minus family members. bunga api ada, sembahyang raya, open houses, siap lengkap semua. makanan pon cukup lengkap. siap first time makan lemang lagi. yela, kat kelantan mana ada lemang. kira ok la, boleh jugak rasa. ouh, tapi x de duit raya la jugak. tapi xpe. tahun ni ada. yay!!
bila buka kat surau uni, seronok dapat tengok muslim from other countries. yela, bahasa da lain. cara sembahyang pon berbeza. macam2 dapat belajar. adat lagi la lain. pastu dapat cuba makanan negara lain. tapi kalo orang arab yang masak, memang nasi kambing la. ada sekali tu, 3 malam berturut-turut buka dengan nasi kambing. rasa da nak jd kambing da. tapi xpe, bersyukur sebab ada orang yang sudi nak sumbangkan iftar untuk semua. terima kasih. only Allah ccan repay your kindness.
bila puasa da nak habis ni, rasa rindu la plak. berbuka dengan kawan2, kumpul kar surau, terawih sama2. tp xpe, tahun depan masih ada. insyaallah. semoga ramadhan tahun ini telah membawa berkat kepada anda semua. amin.
ouh, last two days saya telah berjaya membuat onde-onde dengan berjayanya. haha. bangga plak. bukan ape, first time buat kuih tradisional, pastu resipi pon kawan bagitau secara lisan je. jadi ingat2 lupa je la masa buat tu. tp akhirnya jadi, alhamdulillah. pastu bila bagi kawan2 mkn, diorg cakap sedap. hehe. terima kasih. insyaallah nti saya buat lagi. ada gambar tp dlm camera. nti ble ingt, saya upload k? macam la ada org nak tgk. haha.
raya kat malaysia dengan kat sini sgt berbeza. tp both ada keistimewaan masing-masing. frankly speaking, i don't mind if i have to celebrate eid here. because even if the place is far away from home and your family, but if you have a place that you can call home and friends that are like your family, you wouldn't even feel the difference. so, mana-mana pon sama sahaja. bukannya x ingat kat family pon ble raya. lepas tu, kalo xde makanan macam kt malaysia pon, bukannya x boleh raya pon. pastu kalo nak sgt, pakat la dengan kawan-kawan buat sndr, lg seronok. make do of what you have rather than begging for what you don't have.
jadi, di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua. kepada yang berada di perantauan, semoga hari raya anda lebih bermakana di samping kawan-kawan. kepada yang beraya bersama keluarga, be grateful that you get the chance and don't waste it. sebab kepada kami disini, itu yang kami semua mahu.
jaga diri dan have fun guys!
and that's that
puasa so far sangat seronok kat sini, alhamdulillah. bila fikir balik, senang sebenarnya kalo puasa time kelas. x payah susah2 nak fikir nak makan ape time lunch. pastu after terawih boleh terus lepak library sampai midnight. boleh dikatakan, bulan puasa ni bwt saya rajin dalam pelbagai aspek. berkat bulan puasa kn? alhamdulillah.
tapi sedih jugak sebab tak dapat raya dengan kawan-kawan tahun ni. last year, raya macam da kat malaysia, minus family members. bunga api ada, sembahyang raya, open houses, siap lengkap semua. makanan pon cukup lengkap. siap first time makan lemang lagi. yela, kat kelantan mana ada lemang. kira ok la, boleh jugak rasa. ouh, tapi x de duit raya la jugak. tapi xpe. tahun ni ada. yay!!
bila buka kat surau uni, seronok dapat tengok muslim from other countries. yela, bahasa da lain. cara sembahyang pon berbeza. macam2 dapat belajar. adat lagi la lain. pastu dapat cuba makanan negara lain. tapi kalo orang arab yang masak, memang nasi kambing la. ada sekali tu, 3 malam berturut-turut buka dengan nasi kambing. rasa da nak jd kambing da. tapi xpe, bersyukur sebab ada orang yang sudi nak sumbangkan iftar untuk semua. terima kasih. only Allah ccan repay your kindness.
bila puasa da nak habis ni, rasa rindu la plak. berbuka dengan kawan2, kumpul kar surau, terawih sama2. tp xpe, tahun depan masih ada. insyaallah. semoga ramadhan tahun ini telah membawa berkat kepada anda semua. amin.
ouh, last two days saya telah berjaya membuat onde-onde dengan berjayanya. haha. bangga plak. bukan ape, first time buat kuih tradisional, pastu resipi pon kawan bagitau secara lisan je. jadi ingat2 lupa je la masa buat tu. tp akhirnya jadi, alhamdulillah. pastu bila bagi kawan2 mkn, diorg cakap sedap. hehe. terima kasih. insyaallah nti saya buat lagi. ada gambar tp dlm camera. nti ble ingt, saya upload k? macam la ada org nak tgk. haha.
raya kat malaysia dengan kat sini sgt berbeza. tp both ada keistimewaan masing-masing. frankly speaking, i don't mind if i have to celebrate eid here. because even if the place is far away from home and your family, but if you have a place that you can call home and friends that are like your family, you wouldn't even feel the difference. so, mana-mana pon sama sahaja. bukannya x ingat kat family pon ble raya. lepas tu, kalo xde makanan macam kt malaysia pon, bukannya x boleh raya pon. pastu kalo nak sgt, pakat la dengan kawan-kawan buat sndr, lg seronok. make do of what you have rather than begging for what you don't have.
jadi, di kesempatan ini, saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua. kepada yang berada di perantauan, semoga hari raya anda lebih bermakana di samping kawan-kawan. kepada yang beraya bersama keluarga, be grateful that you get the chance and don't waste it. sebab kepada kami disini, itu yang kami semua mahu.
jaga diri dan have fun guys!
and that's that
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Merdeka and Puasa
One of the reasons I seldom update my blog is that I have no ideas what to write about. That is besides I’m lazy to write. Not that there’s nothing happening in my life. Maybe too much stuff is happening, keeping me away from my blog. I don’t even have the time to check my own blog site, let alone other people’s blog. I’m not surprised if one day my blog site would just vanish. Maybe I won’t even notice that it’s gone.
So, last night was a night to remember. There’s still two weeks before ‘Merdeka’ but MASCA QLD managed to organize a wonderful event. The production ‘Kekasih Semalam’ was, may I say, super duper freakin’ AWESOME!! Not because I was apart of it, but that’s the truth. We spent 2 months, day and night practising for the show. The amazing part was, most of us never have been involved in a play before. The experience and the stuff that I’ve learnt are priceless. Thank you to everybody who has been working hard for the event. Hopefully, there will be another one next year.
Reality check. Uni is going well so far. Although I missed a week of classes due to ‘extreme’ coughing, catching up is made easy thanks to Lectopia. That’s why I love my uni so much. =)
Ramadan will be coming next week. I must say, I am excited. Last year was a wonderful fasting month and Raya. So I’m looking forward to this year’s celebrations for both fasting and Eid month. May Allah give us all blessings and the strength to go through the holy month of Ramadan.
I really have to go now. When will be the next entry? I don’t know. That is if there will be any. Take care people. And Selamat Berpuasa!!!
and that's that
So, last night was a night to remember. There’s still two weeks before ‘Merdeka’ but MASCA QLD managed to organize a wonderful event. The production ‘Kekasih Semalam’ was, may I say, super duper freakin’ AWESOME!! Not because I was apart of it, but that’s the truth. We spent 2 months, day and night practising for the show. The amazing part was, most of us never have been involved in a play before. The experience and the stuff that I’ve learnt are priceless. Thank you to everybody who has been working hard for the event. Hopefully, there will be another one next year.
Reality check. Uni is going well so far. Although I missed a week of classes due to ‘extreme’ coughing, catching up is made easy thanks to Lectopia. That’s why I love my uni so much. =)
Ramadan will be coming next week. I must say, I am excited. Last year was a wonderful fasting month and Raya. So I’m looking forward to this year’s celebrations for both fasting and Eid month. May Allah give us all blessings and the strength to go through the holy month of Ramadan.
I really have to go now. When will be the next entry? I don’t know. That is if there will be any. Take care people. And Selamat Berpuasa!!!
and that's that
Saturday, June 20, 2009
hello hello
apa khabar orang kampung? tok ketua sihat?
haha. it's been 4 weeks since my last entry. not that anybody was waiting for any new ones. except for ika =). so this goes to ika dearest!
exams week is definitely killing everybody! zombies, coffee drinkers, redbull addicts (mother for me!) and instant geeks are suddenly everywhere. i have another paper to go and im done. but as for tonight, i'm taking a break after 3 i-tot-i-can-do-it-but-i-was-oh-so-wrong papers, went to 200 sir fred and showed my ping pong moves. more likes moves for missing the ball. haha. macam arcade da kt bwh rumah diorg. tp sgt best!! bila la diorg nk letak sofa kt bwh tu ye? (hint:amik2 la sofa ni korg) =)
before SWOTVAC, i had the best birthday ever. make that 2 days of birthday. they planned a surprise party at home while i was out shopping. of course i didn't expect anything because it was not my birthday yet. haha. but i guess a day before counts. it was awesome! thanks again people!!
not to forget, the gifts. ouh, the flowers were just gorgeous!! heart the roses
and the 'tiger'. go go tiger! haha. and the wallet and the cool shoes, tp size kecik =( . tp xpe. hehe. thnx!!
but the initial plan was still on. max brenner! ouh, i fell in love with max brenner since i first tried it in sydney. and now, it's in gold coast, i'll go when i need a gateway to paradise. and after we all got drunk by chocolate, a spontaneous stop at surfers paradise, thanks to somebody shouting,'laser gun jom?!'. so we ended up delaying up to 4 hours for our trip back to brisbane. laser gun, dance dance revolution, and oporto. it was unexpected in a fun way! i just love it. a million thanks to you guys again.
well, less than a week to go back home. yay! can't wait. ouh Dr Karen, please let me answer maths paper with ease. i need to go back happy!
and that's that
haha. it's been 4 weeks since my last entry. not that anybody was waiting for any new ones. except for ika =). so this goes to ika dearest!
exams week is definitely killing everybody! zombies, coffee drinkers, redbull addicts (mother for me!) and instant geeks are suddenly everywhere. i have another paper to go and im done. but as for tonight, i'm taking a break after 3 i-tot-i-can-do-it-but-i-was-oh-so-wrong papers, went to 200 sir fred and showed my ping pong moves. more likes moves for missing the ball. haha. macam arcade da kt bwh rumah diorg. tp sgt best!! bila la diorg nk letak sofa kt bwh tu ye? (hint:amik2 la sofa ni korg) =)
before SWOTVAC, i had the best birthday ever. make that 2 days of birthday. they planned a surprise party at home while i was out shopping. of course i didn't expect anything because it was not my birthday yet. haha. but i guess a day before counts. it was awesome! thanks again people!!
not to forget, the gifts. ouh, the flowers were just gorgeous!! heart the roses
and the 'tiger'. go go tiger! haha. and the wallet and the cool shoes, tp size kecik =( . tp xpe. hehe. thnx!!
but the initial plan was still on. max brenner! ouh, i fell in love with max brenner since i first tried it in sydney. and now, it's in gold coast, i'll go when i need a gateway to paradise. and after we all got drunk by chocolate, a spontaneous stop at surfers paradise, thanks to somebody shouting,'laser gun jom?!'. so we ended up delaying up to 4 hours for our trip back to brisbane. laser gun, dance dance revolution, and oporto. it was unexpected in a fun way! i just love it. a million thanks to you guys again.
well, less than a week to go back home. yay! can't wait. ouh Dr Karen, please let me answer maths paper with ease. i need to go back happy!
and that's that
Friday, May 15, 2009
Always in my heart
I was reading the blogs from the usual people tonight. I read Lyla’s and Fara Asma’s latest entry and I would be lying if both of the entries didn’t touch my heart.
To Lyla, I’m sorry for your loss. Al-Fatihah to your beloved cousin dear.
To Fara, I know how you feel. Just stay strong ok? Al-Fatihah to your dearest papa.
Losing somebody that I really love is the thing that I fear the most. Especially when I’m not there. I wouldn’t want that to happen, I pray that it wont happen that way. Even if it is fated that I lose the person that I dear the most, give me another chance to at least meet the person face to face for one last time. Yes, I know that I’m not in control with things happening, and I do accept the fact that it happened, but that’s all I wish for. To meet the person.
This June would make it 16 years. That’s a very long time. But I won’t forget his presence in my life, even though it was only for a little while. Yes, I only have a few memories with him but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him. I do love him, and I learn a lot about his life after he’s gone. We still talk about him like he’s still with us. That’s why he’s still in our hearts no matter how old we are, where we go and what we do.
I really hope that this winter would not be last time that I get to see her. Please… I’m begging.
Al-Fatihah to the beloved people that we’ve lost. They’re in good hands. =)
and that's that
To Lyla, I’m sorry for your loss. Al-Fatihah to your beloved cousin dear.
To Fara, I know how you feel. Just stay strong ok? Al-Fatihah to your dearest papa.
Losing somebody that I really love is the thing that I fear the most. Especially when I’m not there. I wouldn’t want that to happen, I pray that it wont happen that way. Even if it is fated that I lose the person that I dear the most, give me another chance to at least meet the person face to face for one last time. Yes, I know that I’m not in control with things happening, and I do accept the fact that it happened, but that’s all I wish for. To meet the person.
This June would make it 16 years. That’s a very long time. But I won’t forget his presence in my life, even though it was only for a little while. Yes, I only have a few memories with him but that doesn’t mean that I don’t love him. I do love him, and I learn a lot about his life after he’s gone. We still talk about him like he’s still with us. That’s why he’s still in our hearts no matter how old we are, where we go and what we do.
I really hope that this winter would not be last time that I get to see her. Please… I’m begging.
Al-Fatihah to the beloved people that we’ve lost. They’re in good hands. =)
and that's that
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
It’s week 9 of uni. 4 more weeks left and the finals will be in front of my face. Horrible.
Things aren’t going so great. Things are going great.
With assignments and projects, I thought my hands are full. But who could resist to go out with your buddies for movies and ‘lepak’ing?
Tak ada mamak, 3 monkeys pon jadi la. Macam la selalu lepak mamak. Poyo je Timah ni. =p

But I’m looking forward for next weekend. Maybe it’s going to be the last weekend to get together before we immersing our faces in books and lecture notes. Blergh!
And also, I want to shout “Happy 19th Birthday” to my sister, Tijah. Have a lovely birthday with your friends over there. You’ll get your present when we see each other in KB. Can’t wait!!!

and that's that
Things aren’t going so great. Things are going great.
With assignments and projects, I thought my hands are full. But who could resist to go out with your buddies for movies and ‘lepak’ing?
Tak ada mamak, 3 monkeys pon jadi la. Macam la selalu lepak mamak. Poyo je Timah ni. =p
But I’m looking forward for next weekend. Maybe it’s going to be the last weekend to get together before we immersing our faces in books and lecture notes. Blergh!
And also, I want to shout “Happy 19th Birthday” to my sister, Tijah. Have a lovely birthday with your friends over there. You’ll get your present when we see each other in KB. Can’t wait!!!
and that's that
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mind your own business
This entry may sound rude or harsh but that’s just the way it’s going to be.
Kenapa ada jenis manusia yang memang tak boleh tengok orang lain hidup tenang? Ada je benda manusia-manusia jenis macam ni nak cakap pasal orang lain kan? Tuduh orang lain macam-macam, buat cerita tak betol, pastu sebar dekat orang lain. Mungkin mereka dah bosan sangat dengan kehidupan mereka yang tiada kehidupan. Mungkin.
I mean, come on. Why do you even have say anything about it? You just can’t accept the fact that some people deserve to be happy. You can’t be the only who’s happy in this world. Did anybody say anything about you the way you say it to me? NO! So, back off and leave me alone.
Rasa macam dah bagus sangat ek? Rasa macam ko da boleh ubah kehidupan seseorang, jadi ko la manusia paling bagus? Kalau tak tahu cerita sebenar, jangan nak bising tuduh orang bukan-bukan. Tak tahu ke tuduh benda tak betol tu berdosa? Aku tak penah peduli pon pasal ko, apsal ko nak peduli pasal aku?
I don’t even know you that well and vice versa. Maybe you were just trying to back your friend up but guess what, I don’t care anymore. It’s my life so I have all the rights to make it better for myself. What you say won’t change anything. And if you decided to spread the words like the way you see it, go ahead. See if I care.
and that's that
Kenapa ada jenis manusia yang memang tak boleh tengok orang lain hidup tenang? Ada je benda manusia-manusia jenis macam ni nak cakap pasal orang lain kan? Tuduh orang lain macam-macam, buat cerita tak betol, pastu sebar dekat orang lain. Mungkin mereka dah bosan sangat dengan kehidupan mereka yang tiada kehidupan. Mungkin.
I mean, come on. Why do you even have say anything about it? You just can’t accept the fact that some people deserve to be happy. You can’t be the only who’s happy in this world. Did anybody say anything about you the way you say it to me? NO! So, back off and leave me alone.
Rasa macam dah bagus sangat ek? Rasa macam ko da boleh ubah kehidupan seseorang, jadi ko la manusia paling bagus? Kalau tak tahu cerita sebenar, jangan nak bising tuduh orang bukan-bukan. Tak tahu ke tuduh benda tak betol tu berdosa? Aku tak penah peduli pon pasal ko, apsal ko nak peduli pasal aku?
I don’t even know you that well and vice versa. Maybe you were just trying to back your friend up but guess what, I don’t care anymore. It’s my life so I have all the rights to make it better for myself. What you say won’t change anything. And if you decided to spread the words like the way you see it, go ahead. See if I care.
and that's that
Friday, April 10, 2009
bunny eggs
Easter break starts today.
And what did I do the whole day? Catching up with my sleep. Lots of it.
I really need it. The last few days were terrible.
Got a really bad shocking news from home, got lousy results for quiz, etc.
Really feels like I'm at the bottom of the my wheel of life right now.
Like it or not, I have to suck it in.
Life goes on, no matter what kind of shit happens.
Cause shit do happen. All the time.
Right now, I'm praying for the best.
He knows best and I have to agree with that.
Everything happens for a reason.
You win some, you loose some.
That's just the way it is.
Just when you think that there's no way that it would happen in your life, there it is in front of your face, when you least expecting it.
So, be ready for just about anything. Accept it and move on.
Sydney is waiting. I'll see you Amirah Zayanah!
and that's that
And what did I do the whole day? Catching up with my sleep. Lots of it.
I really need it. The last few days were terrible.
Got a really bad shocking news from home, got lousy results for quiz, etc.
Really feels like I'm at the bottom of the my wheel of life right now.
Like it or not, I have to suck it in.
Life goes on, no matter what kind of shit happens.
Cause shit do happen. All the time.
Right now, I'm praying for the best.
He knows best and I have to agree with that.
Everything happens for a reason.
You win some, you loose some.
That's just the way it is.
Just when you think that there's no way that it would happen in your life, there it is in front of your face, when you least expecting it.
So, be ready for just about anything. Accept it and move on.
Sydney is waiting. I'll see you Amirah Zayanah!
and that's that
Monday, March 23, 2009
so far so good
A lot has been going on since I got back here. Up till now, every weekend is filled with fun stuff with the people I love so much. It’s only been a month but maybe after the Easter break; everybody would be busy which means less outing. But I still have Lia and Bean. ☺
So, here’s a few stuff that happened so far.
**MASCA welcoming BBQ
Great food by the famous UQ Lake, reunion, fun activities, poco-poco dance! =p
**Confessions of a Shopaholic
Chick-flick get together (+ 2 boys, sibuk je), late supper of pancakes, good ‘ol girlie time =)
**SeaWorld, Gold Coast
Random trip, cute dolphin and seals, awesome reef wildlife, ice cream on hot day, yum!
**PPMQ picnic
Delicious nasi lemak, pulut kuning and other stuff, great day to take pictures, reunion, a fun day out in the sun.
**Chicago The Musical
Wonderful stage show, awesome dancers, great songs, two thumbs up!
More events to come. Most looked forward to: Easter break road trip!

and that's that
So, here’s a few stuff that happened so far.
**MASCA welcoming BBQ
Great food by the famous UQ Lake, reunion, fun activities, poco-poco dance! =p
**Confessions of a Shopaholic
Chick-flick get together (+ 2 boys, sibuk je), late supper of pancakes, good ‘ol girlie time =)
**SeaWorld, Gold Coast
Random trip, cute dolphin and seals, awesome reef wildlife, ice cream on hot day, yum!
**PPMQ picnic
Delicious nasi lemak, pulut kuning and other stuff, great day to take pictures, reunion, a fun day out in the sun.
**Chicago The Musical
Wonderful stage show, awesome dancers, great songs, two thumbs up!
More events to come. Most looked forward to: Easter break road trip!

and that's that
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I woke up this morning and opened my FB page. Looking at the new status of my friends, I knew that Liverpool won last night’s match against Man U. Some of them are happy about it and of course, Man U fans don’t like it at all. These people are the strong supporters of football.
Before the match, my friends and I went to dinner. The boys have been talking about the match that night and wanted to make sure that we get back before the match started. Some people that were coming in and out of the restaurant were wearing their favourite team jerseys. Then I thought to myself, this is going to big a deal to these people.
So after we got back, the boys went to their ‘football lairs’, which are houses of people with Foxtel. One is for Man U supporters; the other is for Liverpool fans. As for us ladies, we didn’t even give any attention to what the boys were chatting about, let alone trying to find out what channel the match will be on. But I do understand the boys’ excitement. I live with an Arsenal fan since childhood.
On the bus on our way home, a girlfriend of mine asked a guy friend of mine, what is so great about watching football? The guy friend explained the rush you’ll feel when a goal is scored. They will talk about how beautiful the goal was and will cheer along with their fellow friends. I looked at my girlfriend’s face and she was making a straight face. Which means, she doesn’t understand or she doesn’t even care. Haha. Then I told her, it would be the same as if a guy asks you, what is so great about shopping and dressing up. Then she said ok, fair enough.
There are female football fans and there are shopaholic guys. So it is a matter of what interests you in life that makes you happy when you do it. And if you’re in a relationship with one of them, or any other form of fans or hobbies, the best is to give and take and respect each other’s interest. I know a lady who doesn’t even know how football is played but would stay up with her hubby until the dawn to accompany him watching football match at home. Some people would say, she doesn’t have to do that, but to me, it is sweet. Well, different people have different ways of showing their affection to one another. Ok, out of topic here. My bad.
So, to Liverpool fans out there, bravo! Your favourite team had a big win last night. I knew the first few goals were good as I can hear the cheers from my neighbour’s house, the Liverpool lair. =)
and that's that
p's: my fav status msg was from Ajiep, "Arziff Fardlullah rasanya hartamas tengah sunyi sekarang ni. haha" =p
Before the match, my friends and I went to dinner. The boys have been talking about the match that night and wanted to make sure that we get back before the match started. Some people that were coming in and out of the restaurant were wearing their favourite team jerseys. Then I thought to myself, this is going to big a deal to these people.
So after we got back, the boys went to their ‘football lairs’, which are houses of people with Foxtel. One is for Man U supporters; the other is for Liverpool fans. As for us ladies, we didn’t even give any attention to what the boys were chatting about, let alone trying to find out what channel the match will be on. But I do understand the boys’ excitement. I live with an Arsenal fan since childhood.
On the bus on our way home, a girlfriend of mine asked a guy friend of mine, what is so great about watching football? The guy friend explained the rush you’ll feel when a goal is scored. They will talk about how beautiful the goal was and will cheer along with their fellow friends. I looked at my girlfriend’s face and she was making a straight face. Which means, she doesn’t understand or she doesn’t even care. Haha. Then I told her, it would be the same as if a guy asks you, what is so great about shopping and dressing up. Then she said ok, fair enough.
There are female football fans and there are shopaholic guys. So it is a matter of what interests you in life that makes you happy when you do it. And if you’re in a relationship with one of them, or any other form of fans or hobbies, the best is to give and take and respect each other’s interest. I know a lady who doesn’t even know how football is played but would stay up with her hubby until the dawn to accompany him watching football match at home. Some people would say, she doesn’t have to do that, but to me, it is sweet. Well, different people have different ways of showing their affection to one another. Ok, out of topic here. My bad.
So, to Liverpool fans out there, bravo! Your favourite team had a big win last night. I knew the first few goals were good as I can hear the cheers from my neighbour’s house, the Liverpool lair. =)
and that's that
p's: my fav status msg was from Ajiep, "Arziff Fardlullah rasanya hartamas tengah sunyi sekarang ni. haha" =p
Monday, March 9, 2009
ika! for u...
1. a picture of you at the most unique environment

2. a picture of you at somewhere you dislike

3. a picture of someone that means a lot to u

4. a picture with your best smile (mouth open)

5. a picture with your best smile (mouth closed)

6.a picture of you with the lamest pose

7. a picture of someone that stands on top of your heart

8. a picture of you with some toys or cute stuff

9. a picture of you in white shirt

10. a candid picture of you and your friends

and that's that
p/s: im tagging [dilos, mimie, katek, yan, nuha....everybody!]
2. a picture of you at somewhere you dislike
3. a picture of someone that means a lot to u

4. a picture with your best smile (mouth open)
5. a picture with your best smile (mouth closed)
6.a picture of you with the lamest pose
7. a picture of someone that stands on top of your heart
8. a picture of you with some toys or cute stuff
9. a picture of you in white shirt
10. a candid picture of you and your friends
and that's that
p/s: im tagging [dilos, mimie, katek, yan, nuha....everybody!]
Friday, March 6, 2009
Getting started
Saying goodbye was hard last Saturday. I left home with a heavy heart. It’s not like I will never go back again but the summer break was awesome. But as soon as I saw my friends again, I knew that things would be ok as usual. We arrived in Brisbane late at night so we ended the night early. The next day, first thing that we did was filling up the empty fridge. Hard labour shopping is back.
So the new semester started last Monday. I can say it started off pretty good. Seeing familiar faces, lecture halls and refracs somehow made me feel better and prepared. But the first lectures were intense. My ‘3-month-idle’ brain was suddenly switched back on and forced to work twice harder than usual. The lecturers are serious this time.
Halfway through the week, the old habit of ours started. Lia and I went for the movies after Wednesday classes to catch “He’s just not that into you”. May I say, that movie made me feel depressed. =(
The next day, a trip to Ikea with a few others was worth the long trip and cash flowing out. We’re excited to re-decorate the house. =) But I like Ikea Damansara way better (because of the meatballs =p).
Today, we went to the city to get some stuff. Tomorrow, MASCA will be organising a welcoming BBQ and as usual, we are the servers. Sunday, factory outlet shopping maybe? We’ll see. Looks like the whole week’s been great and I hope it continues.
and that's that
Friday, February 27, 2009
Adios amigos!
Sorry nuha sbb tak update. Busy membuang masa sampai tak ada masa dah. Haha.
I’m going back to BNE this Saturday. Gosh, can I not go back? I promise I will study at home =p. But then again, maybe I need to go back and start off the daily routine of classes as soon as possible. Some stuff just keeps on messing with my head due to idle brain. Not good.
3 months of holidays seems not enough as the departure date gets nearer. Not that I have much of stuff to do, just the thought of staying home, watching TV on the comfy sofa and being able to eat all kinds of food possible is way much better than going back to the sunny state. Sapa x nk kn? But I have to. Yes. Darn it.
So, what did I do for the rest of the holidays? Let’s see:
- Official Panji chauffeur
- Part time cook/nanny
- Full time ‘movie watcher’ (astro kt rumah)
- Pn. Aziah’s secretary
- Consultant to first timers going overseas
- Food addict
- Amateur stalker
- Heartbreaker and heartbroken
- Bargain hunter
I think I left a few but most of it are the above. All in all, it was a great summer. Well done everybody! Thank you! Couldn’t have done it without you. =)
Next: lectures, practicals, tutorials, going out, facing the biggest jerk ever and last but not least, loving life!
Take care everybody! Muah!
and that's that
I’m going back to BNE this Saturday. Gosh, can I not go back? I promise I will study at home =p. But then again, maybe I need to go back and start off the daily routine of classes as soon as possible. Some stuff just keeps on messing with my head due to idle brain. Not good.
3 months of holidays seems not enough as the departure date gets nearer. Not that I have much of stuff to do, just the thought of staying home, watching TV on the comfy sofa and being able to eat all kinds of food possible is way much better than going back to the sunny state. Sapa x nk kn? But I have to. Yes. Darn it.
So, what did I do for the rest of the holidays? Let’s see:
- Official Panji chauffeur
- Part time cook/nanny
- Full time ‘movie watcher’ (astro kt rumah)
- Pn. Aziah’s secretary
- Consultant to first timers going overseas
- Food addict
- Amateur stalker
- Heartbreaker and heartbroken
- Bargain hunter
I think I left a few but most of it are the above. All in all, it was a great summer. Well done everybody! Thank you! Couldn’t have done it without you. =)
Next: lectures, practicals, tutorials, going out, facing the biggest jerk ever and last but not least, loving life!
Take care everybody! Muah!
and that's that
Monday, February 16, 2009
Brisbane, London, New York
Yesterday, we send off our youngest sister at the airport and she's bounded to London. We still can't believe it because everything happened so fast. Never thought that she would be going overseas because she never said that she wanted to before. But it is her 'rezeki', it's her fate to study and live in London for a few years. It was a sad but happy farewell. We're happy for her but worried at the same time. It's her first time going overseas, let alone being on her own. But it's now or never. It's high time for her to learn to be independent and do things on her own. I believe she can. If my sister and I can do it, then surely she can do it too. Don't worry Tijah, I'll see you in July ok?
I'm leaving in a few weeks and my elder sis will be off to New York in a few months. All of Ibu's daughters will be away and only the sons will be with her. I'm worried but I think my mom will be ok. She'll need to stay fit so that she can go and visit her lovely daughters in Brisbane, London and New York. Insyaallah. :)
I'm leaving with a heavy heart. Summer holiday was full of family fun. I'll miss everybody for sure. Muah!!
and that's that
I'm leaving in a few weeks and my elder sis will be off to New York in a few months. All of Ibu's daughters will be away and only the sons will be with her. I'm worried but I think my mom will be ok. She'll need to stay fit so that she can go and visit her lovely daughters in Brisbane, London and New York. Insyaallah. :)
I'm leaving with a heavy heart. Summer holiday was full of family fun. I'll miss everybody for sure. Muah!!
and that's that
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A birth, a death and a wedding
Lots of things can happen in a day. Including a birth, death and everything in between.
Today is Lia’s birthday, my dear friend and crazy housemate. She and Bean, another housemate of mine, are the girls who always got my back since we met in INTEC. All the three of us shared everything and I mean, everything. We are each other’s supporter, counsellors, bad influencers and shoulder to cry on. I love these girls so much as much as I love my sisters. It’s only been a year the three of us been living together but lots of things happened in 2008. They know what I’ve been through and they’ve been there, each step along the way. To Lia, have a very happy happy birthday. I know you’ll be happy on your birthday because Amar’ll take care of you. Love you a zillion times!!! Muah!!
Today is also the day that my mom’s friend, Puan Hasnah of MRSM PC, a great chemistry teacher, passed away. She’s a very great person who loves everybody around her. She loves her student dearly, always calling them ‘sayang’. I had the privilege of being her student at her tuition centre and her methods are one of kind. Her tips and tricks of chemistry helped me a lot, thank you Che Nah. When I saw you at the hospital yesterday, I never thought that I would never see you again. But I’m glad that I went. You’ll be surely missed by your beloved students, both in school and at the tuition centre. Only Allah can repay what you have given us for we are forever in your debt. Al-Fatihah….
Today, I saw a group of people clad in baju kurung and baju melayu were gathering outside a house. Some of the girls were carrying ‘hantaran’ trays in pink. So I thought there must be a wedding there. At that instance, I thought of everything that happened today. My friend’s birthday, my mom’s friend passing and a wedding of a match made in heaven. It may seem an ordinary day to you but to some people, it’s the happiest or the saddest day of their life. “Live while you can, love while you can, seize the day”.
and that's that
Today is Lia’s birthday, my dear friend and crazy housemate. She and Bean, another housemate of mine, are the girls who always got my back since we met in INTEC. All the three of us shared everything and I mean, everything. We are each other’s supporter, counsellors, bad influencers and shoulder to cry on. I love these girls so much as much as I love my sisters. It’s only been a year the three of us been living together but lots of things happened in 2008. They know what I’ve been through and they’ve been there, each step along the way. To Lia, have a very happy happy birthday. I know you’ll be happy on your birthday because Amar’ll take care of you. Love you a zillion times!!! Muah!!
Today is also the day that my mom’s friend, Puan Hasnah of MRSM PC, a great chemistry teacher, passed away. She’s a very great person who loves everybody around her. She loves her student dearly, always calling them ‘sayang’. I had the privilege of being her student at her tuition centre and her methods are one of kind. Her tips and tricks of chemistry helped me a lot, thank you Che Nah. When I saw you at the hospital yesterday, I never thought that I would never see you again. But I’m glad that I went. You’ll be surely missed by your beloved students, both in school and at the tuition centre. Only Allah can repay what you have given us for we are forever in your debt. Al-Fatihah….
Today, I saw a group of people clad in baju kurung and baju melayu were gathering outside a house. Some of the girls were carrying ‘hantaran’ trays in pink. So I thought there must be a wedding there. At that instance, I thought of everything that happened today. My friend’s birthday, my mom’s friend passing and a wedding of a match made in heaven. It may seem an ordinary day to you but to some people, it’s the happiest or the saddest day of their life. “Live while you can, love while you can, seize the day”.
and that's that
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
It’s been a month since my trip to Bandung with my family and only now can I find sometime to tell you guys about it. I was ‘busy’. =)
Thanks to my single-‘ I need a GF’-brother, my mom and I got a chance to experience Bandung together with him. The intention of the trip was to make up for the boring group trip to the same place that my mom had gone 2 years ago and also, to treat me, his favourite sister ☺, for some good time. Well, it was the right time and the right place. I need some relaxation and shopping was on top of the list at that time.
The first day in Bandung was great. We arrived around noon, local time, checked in, freshened up and off we went to Pasar Baru. Fortunately, or should I say unfortunately, the six-floor of textile and other goods centre was only a walking distance from our hotel. It was my first time strolling in Bandung and lots of things were different from what I used to see in Malaysia. There were carts selling food and drinks along the way, not forgetting people trying to sell handicraft stuff to tourists. From what I saw, these people, well most of them, are really living a hard life. The condition over there is not good enough to support these people. But they are trying their best to make ends meet.
So, at the Pasar Baru, there was loads of stuff over there. But what kept me, my mom, my auntie and my cousin over there was the textile floor. Everybody, if there’s someone who’s planning a weeding on your family, or yourself, do pay a visit to this place. Trust me, you’ll be head over heels and can go crazy with the choices over there. Once, I was having a look at this lacy piece and the ‘bapak’ asked if I were getting married. And I told him I’d come back for that when I’m ready. ;)
After spending the first day at Pasar Baru, we decided to hit the infamous factory outlets in Bandung. But I must say I was quite disappointed. There was not much stuff that caught my eye. Or maybe we had been to the wrong shops. I don’t know but maybe I was a good sign of saving our rupiahs. Tired of shopping, my cousin suggested that we should go up the mountain and visit Kampung Daun (though my auntie disagreed). Kampung Daun is a place where people usually have dinner over there and it used to be a volcano, I think. The place was really nice. The place was lit by natural light from fire in safety cases and dinner is served in huts. The food was okay but I’ll give 10 for the exotic atmosphere. And if you’re happened to be there, do try ‘Pisang goreng cheese’.
We went to the Tangkuban Perahu volcano the next day. I’m really glad I went there. It was my first encounter with crater of active volcano. The scenery was breathtaking. We also took a short trekking walk to Kawah Domas, the crater that emits geysers and hot spring water. And the guides were nice and friendly too. Done with the sight seeing, I tag along with my brother to distro, an area of indie local branded clothing shops. I love the distro so much; I didn’t mind that I had to walk far from one shop to another. But I was worth it. I even got myself a pair of limited edition sneakers. Yeay me! And I think you guys would love it as much as I do.
So, that’s much it. Bandung is really nice cool place to visit. Wouldn’t mind to go again. The next stop, Jakarta! Anyone interested? =p
and that's that
p/s: guys in Bandung are ouh-so-cute! -excuse my misbehaviour-
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Durian Duran
I wonder why certain people couldn’t stand the smell, let alone the taste, of durian. I was having a small durian party with my lil sis when my nephew asked what was that smell. He said he didn’t like the smell. Guess he’s like his mommy, my elder sis hates durian. She’s the only one in my family who’s anti-durian. My late father is the biggest fan and he introduced the king of fruits to us when we were small. Thanks Aboh! =)
To me, durian doesn’t smell bad but I could not say it smells sweet like berries too. It has its own smell, durian fragrant. Some people can stand the smell but would not eat it. Well, to me, it can be sweet and still, sweet in its own way. That’s how I smell and taste durian but for the people how dislikes the fruit, I wonder what’s the smell and taste of it to them. To those who hate durian, care to tell me?
Right now, I’m craving for ‘pulut durian’. Yum!
and that's that
To me, durian doesn’t smell bad but I could not say it smells sweet like berries too. It has its own smell, durian fragrant. Some people can stand the smell but would not eat it. Well, to me, it can be sweet and still, sweet in its own way. That’s how I smell and taste durian but for the people how dislikes the fruit, I wonder what’s the smell and taste of it to them. To those who hate durian, care to tell me?
Right now, I’m craving for ‘pulut durian’. Yum!
and that's that
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Playground in Telipot
I went to the playground with my niece and nephew today. The weather was nice. It was just after rain and there was a rainbow in the sky. Not too many kids at the park, guess it was because the school term had started. So my sis and I took the chance to have some fun. We played on the see saw and looked like a bunch of giant babies. Hehe. Then we took turns to play on the swing. I really love the swing. Even when I was small, I would swing higher than others because the adrenaline excites me. The feel of the wind breeze as I swing always makes me high. And I would for sure smile all the time. I don’t know why but I still do that, smiling while swinging.
When we were on the see saw, I was talking to my sis about the playground where we used to play when we were kids. It was near my grandma’s house in Telipot. Back in the days, when my grandma was still around, my cousins would come back to KB during the school holidays. Everybody would be there and there would be slumber party for weeks. So every evening, we would walk to the housing area at the back for our playground time. We would first stop at ‘Kedai Keling’ (we used to call that shop by that name, nobody was being racist) to get ourselves some snacks. When everybody’s geared up, then only we would cross the street to the playground. It’s a big playground with everything. The swings, slides, monkeys bars, a giant caterpillar and some other stations that I can’t remember. As we play, we would have breaks for our snacks. Ais-krim Malaysia, Super ring, Bika, air botol perisa oren and sarsi, asam, mamee and other junk food that every parent would not approve of. Before going back to the grandma’s house, we would make sure that everybody finished their junk food because we don’t want any ‘evidence’ to be brought back. =)
My sis said that the playground now is not well maintained. Grass and weeds are growing wildly and the place smells bad. Some people say that drug addicts are leaving there too. I really miss that playground. I miss the ‘guilty pleasure’ junk food, the swings, my cousins and the good times we used to have. I can say that I had a pretty fine childhood days. Hope that my future kids will be as fortunate as I am.
and that's that
When we were on the see saw, I was talking to my sis about the playground where we used to play when we were kids. It was near my grandma’s house in Telipot. Back in the days, when my grandma was still around, my cousins would come back to KB during the school holidays. Everybody would be there and there would be slumber party for weeks. So every evening, we would walk to the housing area at the back for our playground time. We would first stop at ‘Kedai Keling’ (we used to call that shop by that name, nobody was being racist) to get ourselves some snacks. When everybody’s geared up, then only we would cross the street to the playground. It’s a big playground with everything. The swings, slides, monkeys bars, a giant caterpillar and some other stations that I can’t remember. As we play, we would have breaks for our snacks. Ais-krim Malaysia, Super ring, Bika, air botol perisa oren and sarsi, asam, mamee and other junk food that every parent would not approve of. Before going back to the grandma’s house, we would make sure that everybody finished their junk food because we don’t want any ‘evidence’ to be brought back. =)
My sis said that the playground now is not well maintained. Grass and weeds are growing wildly and the place smells bad. Some people say that drug addicts are leaving there too. I really miss that playground. I miss the ‘guilty pleasure’ junk food, the swings, my cousins and the good times we used to have. I can say that I had a pretty fine childhood days. Hope that my future kids will be as fortunate as I am.
and that's that
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
“….dalam rancangan….BOLOS!!!....”
Who loves that show?? I do! Because of Zizan.
Yesterday, my brother was invited to be a contestant in the show and he brought me and my sister along. It was my first time in a production set. I thought the set was big but it was small. And the audience were, erm, I think they were paid to be there. A bunch of school boys with ‘karat’ hair-do. Rempits I guess. But they know how to make noise. That’s what the audience is for. But me and my sis, we were somehow got annoyed by those boys. Yuck…
But it didn’t matter. I was there to support my brother’s team. He and his other two friends from Astro and the competed against ‘Chaiyok chaiyok’ team, which were Khai,Haziq and a rather soft male make-up artist called Fizzy. Owh, my brother’s team was known as X FM because they’re the host there, I think. But my bro and his friends didn’t use their real names. They were known as Silver Surfer, Ninja X and Space Boy. Typical of them. Hehe.
Well, what I can say is that, the moment they came out from the changing room wearing their suits, my sis and I couldn’t stop laughing. It was funny. They are all skinny and looked like aliens. Thanks to silver colour. And then they started to ask among temselves why did they say yes in the first place. Hehe. But it was for entertainment.
The recording of the show took several hours and all that will be aired on the tv is only an hour of it. Now I know that showbiz is not easy. Zizan looked really tired. He would only talk a lot when the camera was rolling but if it isn’t, he would be quiet most of the time. He said that he had 4 recordings that day and it was already 8.30 pm at that time. But he was still funny.
We all had fun. Watching my bro fell into the water and broke the wall was priceless. If I knew that I can invite my friends to come and be there too, I would call up some of you guys to join me. I’m sorry. Whatever it is, don’t forget to watch it on tv ok? Hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did =)
and that's that
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