Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It’s week 9 of uni. 4 more weeks left and the finals will be in front of my face. Horrible.

Things aren’t going so great. Things are going great.
With assignments and projects, I thought my hands are full. But who could resist to go out with your buddies for movies and ‘lepak’ing?
Tak ada mamak, 3 monkeys pon jadi la. Macam la selalu lepak mamak. Poyo je Timah ni. =p

But I’m looking forward for next weekend. Maybe it’s going to be the last weekend to get together before we immersing our faces in books and lecture notes. Blergh!

And also, I want to shout “Happy 19th Birthday” to my sister, Tijah. Have a lovely birthday with your friends over there. You’ll get your present when we see each other in KB. Can’t wait!!!

and that's that


D. said...

full length tu gambar kakak.. ey hope ur mom's doing well.

tmah said...

adik la syg...hehe. tp ko nk ckp aku nmpk muda ke? thnx...hehe

ouh, thnx. weh, bkn aku xnk bgtaw ko. tp aku xnk kecoh. nti catch up later ok?