Wednesday, June 11, 2008

hello, im a girl/guy

what wud u do if ur a girl but u have testis?
1. cut ur balls?
2. keep it n just act normal as b4(xcept dat nw ur a gurl with testis)

im not talking dirty or anytin, but its medically proven. in House at least

she's a supermodel at 15, great body, beautiful face
but she has a pair of testis.

house said dat evry embryo in uterus develop testis. if u r meant to b a gurl, the testis will stop growing n u'll hv a pair of ovaries instead. if not, ur a guy n u know what u'll get.

but if sumtin's wrong with ur body when ur an embryo, ur testis might stop growing but it will stil be thre but u can't see or feel it.

its scary. n im thankful dat im normal. well, at least im not totally insane =p

and that's that


MaJa said...

itu adalah episod yg telah sgt lama.. dan perempuan tu adalah lelaki cuma dia x sedar..

tmah said...

ye tgk yg stil scary...

.theberuk said...

.ada ka binatang macam tu?
.nak berkenalan

tmah said...

binatang?...huish zamir...x baik la hang ni..