Monday, June 30, 2008

espana-spanar blh ubah

and Torres scored a goal!! the crowd goes wild!!!~~~

adui....cne la blh jd cmtu...
had a good hunch Germany wud get the trophy..
tp xpe, Ballack injured...huhu...(alasan nk sdpkn ati)
but both teams are strong teams, so i think its all fair and
mana la taw kn??...sbb bru bce dlm paper smlm..
1 of the final world cup match in 1966 kot, it was set up
well, mmg la da lme still
ingtkn dlm cte speed racer je ader cmtu...ader btol rpenye...huhu

aite, Olympics!...bring it on!

and that's that


MaJa said...

dah xde mana duh nak tgk euro lepas russia kalah..

tmah said...

huhu...sokong russia sbb ko menumpang kt negara diorg ke sbb diorg mmg best??...

MaJa said...

the 1st reason lol