Friday, July 11, 2008

can't help myself

sugar pie hunny bun...

blk kb ni, bnyk kali jd kes ni...can't help myself...haha
i can't help myself from eating lots of good food....lots n lots!!
kejenye mkn je...msuk dapur, bkak fridge, amik food, pg dpn tv, mkn...
da abis, msuk dpur lg nk bsh tgn n minum air..pas2 bkak fridge lg...
n it continues...smpi la kne remind myself of the weight dat im putting on...haish...

i also can't help myself from sleeping a lot!!!...
bgn lmbt...pas2 kalo tdo siang, da bkn nap da...mcm mmg tdo mlm da...truknye....

i can't help myself from watching lots of tv...sofa tu cm da ada shape lekuk...haha...
pas 1 movie, smbg lg satu...mana la nk bgn...astro=mcm2 ada....
tp ada gak yg ok la kn?...

i also can't help myself from wondering around and about n do wat i do second!!
huhu...blk bwk skit je bj, ni nk blk skola blk....beg pnuh...ish ish....
wat i do best??...hehe...x taw la...

and all of these makes me dun want to go least nt nw...
x puas lg bermls2..huhu...

but i built a new hope on sumtin new dat i just discovered....n im really happy about dat....
it may change me...*fingers cross*

and that's that

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