Sunday, November 30, 2008

it's been a while

whoa, when was the last time i made a post to my blog?
it has been a few months i reckon. yup, some of my friends did tell me to update. n yes, i was going to. but i was put off by a lot of stuff. (alasan).
n my blog page didn't worl well when i was in Brisbane. ble kt Kota Bharu blh la plak. haish.
so, it's my summer break. but i rained for 3 weeks here in KB. it's not dreadful i must say. i quite like it, knowing the fact that im home. that's why i love coming back. u just feel secure and comfy, rain or shine.
before i came back, i had to go through the final semester exam. it was hell. yup.
but felt relieved after it was over. so my friends and i went to gold coast for a week, while entertaining our ex-lecturer-guest from malaysia. sambil menyelam minum air betul? =)
then i went straight back to malaysia.
hm, lets just say my first day in malaysia didn't go well, not until i reached KB.
got my results, my flight was delayed, didn't felt right at all. n i think whoever looked at my face on that day would think im some kind of emo girl cause i was so sure that my face looked horrible. muka cam nk makan org.
but im ok now. i've sucked it up and move on.
i retraced my steps and realised my mistakes. better luck next sem.
now, im happily at home and i maybe gaining a few pounds. well, blame the food of kelantan. u just can't get enough.

and also, im on my mission to pour my heart out. hope that everything's going to be fine. *fingers crossed*
hm, that's all for now. recap of what happened(even though it wasn't much).
be back with other stuff.

and that's that


Anonymous said...

kalau dah balik rumah.. mengembang mesti mengembang punye.

tmah said...

haha...mmg ada potensi pun...jgn riso ye?